Assign Roles to Course Participants

You can assign the roles described below to any user enrolled on your Moodle course.

Remember, in order for you to assign a role to a user they must have a Moodle account (see Enrol a User in a Course).

N.b., combined courses inherit user roles from the individual section courses they combine. So, if you want to change a user’s role in a combined course (e.g. “POLS 547 (All Sections)”) , you must change their role in the Moodle course(s) for (all) the section(s) on which the user is enrolled via STARS  (e.g., “POLS 547-2”).

A teacher in a Bilkent Moodle course can assign the following roles:

  • Teacher – a co-teacher can do anything you can do;
  • TA (non-editing teacher) – a TA who cannot grade assignments for groups they are in but not create or change activities;
  • TA (editing teacher) – a TA who can do anything a teacher can do except assign roles;
  • Auditing Student – a student who can submit to activities but does not appear in the gradebook;
  • Department – for monitoring – can see everything a teacher can see except student submissions but cannot change anything;
  • Grader – same as “TA (non-editing teacher)” but intended for external graders;
  • Tutor – same as an “Auditing Student” but cannot submit to activities;

To change the Moodle role of an enrolled user, do the following:

  • Go to the Moodle course on which the user is enrolled via STARS (this will be an individual “section” course, e.g., POLS 547-2)
  • Click “Participants” on the left hand menu;

  • Filter the list of enrolled participants, or navigate to the participant whose role you want to change;
  • To assign a role, click the pencil icon in the “role” column:

  • Either type the role name in the search box or click the down arrow for a list of roles to choose from. Available roles are student, teacher, and non-editing teacher.

  • When a role is selected, an icon will appear above the search box.

  • To remove the participant’s old role, press the “x” on the role icon.
  • REMEMBER! You must click the disk icon to save the new role assignment.